Top 9 Tips for Helping the Homeless

Carry Extra Snacks and Supplies

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Carry a small supply of snacks, bottled water, travel toiletries, hand wipes, or gift cards to hand out in areas where you frequently pass homeless people. These simple supplies can help them stay healthy, nourished, and hydrated. Remember that it’s often easier for them to receive small items or limited quantities than large or copious, difficult-to-carry offerings.

Organize a Coat Drive

Photo: Flickr/A Healthier Michigan

Host a coat drive to provide comfortable and durable outerwear during cold seasons. You can also make a difference, one person at a time, by carrying extra hats, socks, and gloves to offer to people you meet. Be sure to politely ask the people you encounter if they need these items first, rather than assume.

Volunteer With Habitat for Humanity

Photo: Flickr/Official U.S. Navy Page
Habitat for Humanity proactively fights long-term homelessness by building houses for at-risk families. Volunteer with a construction team in your area and build some muscles while helping families in your community become homeowners!

Support Veterans

Provide food and supplies to veterans at The Veterans Site for free!
