My Cat’s Abdomen Is Swollen! What Should I Do?

Have you noticed how some cats seem to have saggy bellies? Does it mean that they are fat? Or is it a sign of a stomach disorder?

Actually, lions and tigers have saggy bellies — a characteristic that domestic cats share with them. It is called a primordial pouch, and all cats have them, but they vary in size. However, they all serve the same purposes, as explained by José Arce, president-elect of the American Veterinary Medical Association, in Live Science.

Photo: YouTube/Jaw-Dropping Facts

First, this layer of loose skin, fat, and fur is a protection for the cat’s internal organs in a fight when it can get hurt by an enemy’s teeth and claws.

Second, it enables a cat to run and move faster since the primordial pouch stretches, providing more flexibility. It also enables a cat to cover more distance with each bound, which is an advantage when capturing prey or evading a predator.

Third, the pouch functions as an extra storage for food.

Photo: YouTube/Jaw-Dropping Facts

According to Arce, “It’s important to be able to tell whether your cat has a large primordial pouch or is overweight. Just like in people, obesity can lead to heart problems, diabetes and hypertension. Being overweight can also increase cats’ risk of arthritis and some types of cancer.”

The cat with a swollen belly in this article from PetHelpful’s Ask-A-Vet section was advised by Dr. Mark dos Anjos to be immediately taken to a vet. Her symptoms, based on her owner’s description, were alarming.

“My cat has a big belly, and it’s very hard. She’s eating and drinking water fine, but she seems to be crying out a bit more than usual. I’m taking her to the vet as soon as I can get an appointment. Is there anything I can do on my end, a home remedy for my cat?” wrote Belinda.

Photo: YouTube/Jaw-Dropping Facts

Dr. Anjos enumerated the possible causes of swollen belly in cats:

  • fat
  • intestinal swelling (megacolon and constipation)
  • parasites
  • infection
  • fluid (ascites)
  • cancer

Further, fluid swelling in cats may indicate the following:

Photo: YouTube/Jaw-Dropping Facts
  • Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). This disease is caused by coronoavirus.
  • Congestive Heart Failure. Senior cats are more prone to this medical condition, but kittens can be afflicted too.
  • Cancer. In addition to a swollen bellly, a cat with stomach cancer may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, anorexia, and other symptoms.
  • Liver Failure. Some cats may show signs of jaundice. Others may have a swollen belly, fever, or anorexia.

There are many home remedies that may help a cat with a swollen belly, but first a vet must determine its cause for proper treatment.

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